Be part of the right community
Being able to meet people who understand the life stage where you are now, is key!
Who do you talk to about the things that worry you in this new stage that you started? Can they be a soundboard?
Surround yourself with people who understand what being a (Fingerprinting) entrepreneur is all about. That is the power of a mastermind group.
It is essential that this group (or groups), large or small, is made up of people who want to grow together, help, and inspire each other. Build a community of support.
Keep your “why” and “what for” in your sights
It’s easy to feel discouraged when things seem to be not going the way we expected, when they may take longer than we imagined, or the answer is different than what we had in mind.
When such thoughts want to take over, remind yourself of your “why” and “what for” you decided to start this business. What moves you, what are your goals, what is the main reason behind your desire and passion to be an entrepreneur
Stick to them and remind you: You got this!
Breathe, straighten up and keep going!
There will be days when taking action will seem difficult.
Remember that it is about going one step at a time, but always forward. Small steps are all it takes.
Break big goals down into small actions and take one step at a time. And keep moving forward.
Stay away from the laptop
This may sound like the most obvious and silly advice at the same time. And it is that when starting a business it is tempting to take refuge in the computer 24/7 and continue working to reach our objectives.
One piece of advice: don’t do it. Turning off your computer and going outside is key to your physical and mental health.
Having a hobby or pleasure activity, spending time with family or friends will allow you to refresh your ideas and renew your spirits and energy. Remember: being connected 24/7 feeds your stress, it is likely that you will spin around the same issue and run the risk of burnout. Schedule your working hours and apply quality to them.
Take dares
Motivation feeds on motivation. In other words, get your adrenaline pumping every now and then and dare to take some incredibly scary actions. Do you want to reach that investor or create a new alliance? GO FOR IT!
You will be surprised how excited you get when you dare to do something that you have been dragging your feet about.
Any questions or comments related to the Fingerprint Business, feel free to write to us at The team will be happy to help you.